Volume 2 Issue 1 Articles

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  • Volume 2 Issue 1 Articles

An Epidemiological Analysis of Pediatric Dog Bite Injuries Over a Decade

Background A Decade's Worth of Pediatric Dog Bites: An Epidemiological Analysis Every year, there are thought to be 800,000 dog bites that need medical attention. Reviewing the characteristics of child dog bite injuries and looking at temporal trends are the goals of this study. Methods Over a ten-year period, paediatric patients with dog bite injuries.

Vena Cava Filter Use Practice Variation Among Trauma Centers in the National Trauma Database

Background Since the introduction of the filter, consensus over the indications for using a vena cava filter (VCF) in trauma patients has been iffy. The use of VCF in trauma patients has altered as VCF technology and practise guidelines have advanced. The positioning of VCF varies amongst trauma centres, according to this study. Resources and techniques With the help of information from the National Trauma

Greater National Variability in Palliative Care for Elderly Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Background TBI patients who are older than their younger counterparts have greater mortality and morbidity rates. All patients with a serious or terminal illness should receive palliative care (PC). Its use for trauma patients has, however, been unevenly distributed across the country.